Should You Teach Barre?

Online Barre Workouts

If you think you love barre more than anyone else you know and want to start a career or part-time job dedicated to sharing your favorite pastime, you might want to consider becoming a barre instructor.

Teaching any group fitness can be an extremely rewarding experience and it might be something you want to pursue. The following are a few hints on how to decide if you should take the leap and become a barre instructor:

  1. Do you love barre so much that you want to share it with everyone? The best barre instructors love this type of fitness and want to spread the love of fitness to anyone that walks through the studio or gym door. If you are passionate about barre, you might just be the perfect barre instructor.
  2. Have you been doing barre for awhile? There are a few different certifications out there. Some might require you to do an apprenticeship and some might just take a certification test. It is best either way to be familiar and have taken many classes in the past. Different studio and gym owners (or group fitness managers in larger gyms setting) will be able to help determine how long you might not to be taking classes or shadowing other instructors before you can get certified.
  3. Are you willing to dedicate time to learn or create new routines? Depending upon your certification you might be working through a studio that has set routines that all instructors follow or you might be required to spend time creating your own class. Either way it requires work outside of class time to prepare for class. Instructors need to be prepared to work outside of class time.
  4. Willing to learn and offer all class participants an effective and safe workout? While this may seem like an obvious, instructors need to learn how to work with class participants at all varying fitness levels and abilities. A new instructor must be willing to learn how to teach a class participant who might have certain conditions, injuries, or mobility issues. Please note: this does not mean acting like a medical professional! Rather it means learning to create a safe and effective workout for all fitness levels.
  5. Are you wanting to have the best job ever? Teaching a fitness class can be an extremely rewarding experience. You are helping people get in shape and shape an environment that is extremely positive.

If you answered yes and thought through all these questions, it might be time to take that leap and become a barre instructor. Talk to your local studio or gym to learn more about becoming certified. And of course check back with us for more hints and tips if you are interested in a barre fitness career.

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