Taking that First Leap Into a Barre Fitness Program
Any new exercise program can be scary. We get it! Barre is no exception. But we are here to tell you there is no...
Deciding Between Barre, Pilates, and Yoga
Barre, Yoga, or Pilates? There is no denying that there are similarities among these three different exercise programs. Barre even states that Pilates and...
Top 10 Reasons You Should Take Barre
We love barre fitness classes, and for those of you who are not yet enthusiasts like us, we wanted to share with you why...
8 Delicious Pre-Workout Barre Snacks
Many barre goers are some of the busiest people out there. Maybe they are squeezing a barre class in before or after work, between...
Tucking it Out!
A common word in a barre-goers vocabulary is "tuck". You will hear barre instructors all around the world telling participants to "tuck". But what is...
Think Beyond Calorie Burn at the Barre
One of the most popular questions people like to ask about any workout is, “How many calories did I burn?” While it might be...
CrossFitters Belong at the Barre: 6 Reasons for CrossFitters to Try...
CrossFit has a reputation for being hardcore. Heavy weights, intense gymnastics skills, and heart pounding cardio make up a weekly CrossFit program. Walk into a...
What is This “Barre”?
In the past, Barre was a tool most frequently associated with ballet dancers. Prima ballerinas would spend hours at the Barre training in order...